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Crafty Wednesday: Three Things

1. If you are like me and have trouble knowing when to use a -, a -- or the ever popular ... -- then check out this article! It breaks it all down into understandable chunks!

2. Also, check out this post on Tara Lazar's fabulous blog:

3. And one more thing --

Take time to actually write, but don't beat yourself up when you can't. I go through "drought" seasons where it seems I don't do much writing at all. But those aren't really droughts -- they are REST seasons. When I come back to my stories and blank pages, I feel excited to write again!

One word of caution: TOO MUCH SOCIAL MEDIA SUCKS AWAY YOUR TIME -- so be careful and don't let it!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a house to clean... and some query letters to write!

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